Jordan Birnbaum
Business Entrepreneur
New York City, New York
From 1995 to 2000, Jordan Birnbaum helped launch and guide Juno Online Services, Inc., a public company in the Internet industry with around 1000 employees. Juno is a nationwide Internet Service Provider across North America and has availability in around 8,000 locations. By offering an unlimited paid service alongside a variety of Internet service options, from basic dial-up, Internet, and e-mail which is provided to the user for free, Juno provides a fast and dependable Internet connection for much less of the price given by other Internet providers offering the same type of services.
In his role as Director of Subscriber Acquisition, Birnbaum cut a groundbreaking in-store distribution deal and was responsible for engaging over a million new subscribers to Juno by signing an unusual business agreement with Blockbuster Music and Video. That single deal created an industry practice still employed today. With his advancement to Senior Vice President of Business Development at Juno, Birnbaum dramatically increased sales revenues by putting into action his untraditional advertising skills, in parallel to his entire management of revenue operations, resulting mainly from Juno Online Services subscription fees, from advertising, and from the direct sale of products.
Jordan Birnbaum's Career at Juno
Jordan Birnbaum grabbed the reins of his investment in Qtopia Events Inc., and moved the New York located company to Los Angeles. With its re-launch as Vanguard, and as CEO, Birnbaum succeeded in breaking even in 2004 and generated revenues of over $40 million in the following five years.
With his deep understanding and years of experience in the multimedia business, this one-time Internet executive is now facing a new challenge. By exercising his comedic writing talents, Birnbaum is currently preparing the launch of The Secret Beatnik Party, an entertainment show whose foundation is based on a semi-farcical political platform. Birnbaum aims to take good advantage of social media networking channels and podcasts to support the show online. With Birnbaum's track record for high achievement, the entertainment industry can sit back and look forward to an exciting revelation.